
Pursuing Compensation for a Clavicle Fracture After an Atlanta Bicycle Accident

Every day, cyclists face many dangers on the road; however, most dangers come from parked vehicles. Those involved in these accidents can end up suffering from clavicle fractures, particularly when distracted drivers open their doors to oncoming cyclists. These accidents can occur fast and victimize even the most experienced victims. Victims can sustain collarbone fractures because they can be flung from their bicycles and land on their shoulders. If you were recently in a bicycle accident and suffered a clavicle fracture, you may want to consider seeking compensation with the help of an Atlanta bicycle accident attorney. With a lawyer working on your injury claim, you can focus on your recovery. 

How You Could Break Your Collarbone in a Bicycle Accident

 When you ride a bike and meet an accident, your collarbone can be broken. When you fall, you extend your arm to break your fall. The force travels through your arm up to your shoulder. Often, your collarbone is the weakest link, so it can be the first to break. 

Clavicle fractures can range from mild to serious, requiring surgery or hardware implantation. You may not know right away when you have this injury because it can be spotted only by a trained eye. But you will usually know if have a clavicle fracture if your shoulder is sagging downward or forward, you cannot lift your arm due to pain, you feel a grinding sensation whenever you raise your arm, and you notice swelling, tenderness, or bruising over your collarbone. If you think you suffered from a clavicle fracture, seek out immediate medical attention. If not addressed properly and promptly, the injury could cause more pain and a more serious injury over time. 

The Amount of Compensation You May Get

Your lawyer will consider several factors to determine the value of your personal injury claim. One of these factors is the seriousness of your clavicle fracture including whether it requires a surgical operation and how long it takes to heal. A more serious injury may require more health care, which can increase your medical bills and possible compensation. Other factors include your possible contribution to the bicycle accident and whether you need to miss work due to your injury. 

Sadly, sustaining an injury due to the negligence of another driver usually comes at a huge cost to you. Plus, insurance providers are always concerned about your bottom line, not you. So, if you have sustained an injury in a bicycle accident that resulted in a clavicle fracture, you must consult with an experienced lawyer to know your legal options and rights.